Sunday, December 6, 2015

Field Journal Final Reflection

Once in a while we will see the Graphic Design went back to vantage. It’s really hard to say which one is better than other. When it comes to comparison, the present work will definitely well than the past. Due to the current technology, the art design will go beyond the imaginations as you compared with Middle Age Renaissance Baroque era. The art works have improved from weak to extreme detail.
I think there is no way to determined which is better because the technology has been improved so much and so great. Without the Middle Age, Renaissance and Baroque, we as human being won’t have this advanced technology world.
First the technology is not in same level, the tools and equipment are not in the same standard to be compared.
Second, the arts thought and the environment are different compared both present work and any era in the Middle Age. The different has created none compared conditions.
And last but not least, what current Graphic Design are based on the past Graphic Design. The typography from century to century, the art minds and thoughts, colors and materials, the judgements of the arts. Everything aren’t in the same standard or began at same level, it’s no way to compared both present and Middle Age.
 I think one of the important is different period’s graphic design contained their unique characteristics. Without those different and characteristics there is no way we to identify the differences between them. Without those differences we won’t be able to know the events for either pasts, presents or possible futures.
Throughout this class I have learned so much about Graphic Design, understanding the background and history will helps me to get more inspiration. This class is really fun and full of interesting art works for me to explore around. It has opened my eyes and mind into another level in the Graphic Design world. I am really grateful for taking the class with many talented classmates. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Field Journal #10

Hi everyone,
It's almost final and can't believe quarter almost end.
This week's reading I have found really interesting designer from local.

Michael Vanderbyl,
grow from local, born and raise in Oakland California. Vanderbyl is a multidisciplinary designer in the San Francisco Bay Area, is the principal of Vanderbyl Design.

His work has expand from different fields such as designing furniture, products, showrooms and retail spaces. Vanderbyl has clients from Espirt, Baker furniture, The Walt Disney Company, IBM, AmericaOne,Robert Talbott, Teknion, The Blackstone Group and Luna Textiles.  Although his main focus is on the Furniture and show cases but his art design have really interesting feature. 

This reminds me a game called Monument Valley. An illustration game of different side of box. 
Bike and smile. The colors show the environmental friendly and new view.

Seeing his work really inspiring to me because the art work is really unique and with detail features. I like the colors and layout. I think Vanderyl has really interesting design vision compared to other designer.